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Flight StatusFail
LocationBunell, FL
20160410.pngNEFAR-Bunnell Half Blast 2016-04-09
Altitude3800 ft
Expected3818 ft
Velocity Exp.409 MPH
Gs Expected11.5
1 I223-14-SKIDMARK


2016-04-09 01:01:00Z

Insane Rocketry

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Planning to launch this little rocket beyond mach 1.3 next year. Will start with a medium 4 grain motor and ramp it up to a 6 grain and later on with a 6XL motor (December 09, 2015).

It might not survive the mach 1.30 flight...... so stay tuned and be amazed. Since the motor ejection time is close to Apogee, I will have to set the Stratologger Apogee +3 seconds. I will keep the motor ejection charge operational and stratologger as backup to be safe.

Its really a pain getting those charges connected and filled up.. Can't see me doing this on the field !

The 4 grain motors are listed.

UPDATE 01/09/2016 - No Go, heavy fog in the morning an during the whole day. Nearly no wind on the field ! Should have been a perfect launch day !

Rocketstar was also on the field that day, so we had some excitement with them as they were performing one static test and a launch to around 700 feet.

Annual meeting was scheduled later in the afternoon, pads closed down around 1.00 PM

Bought my motor already from Bernie with a discount... an I223-14 SK


UPDATE 02/10/2016 - Rocket is all prepped again and ready to fly.

UPDATE 02/12/2016 - Still very windy conditions on the field, might not happen, hoping for the best.

UPDATE 02/14/2016 - Had a successful flight with the ToMach that day and a long recovery and also Tim's recovery. Will fly that rocket next time.

UPDATE 03/12/2016 - Had a very successful flight with the Thunderstruck that day on the far away cell, so no flight for this one, Will fly in April for sure.

UPDATE 04/07/2016 - Rocket all prepped. Motor is in the 6 grain casing (4 Grain motor)... There is no space on the nozzle, all seems to lock in nice, the other times I had like a few mm of spacing, but this motor looks in all the way. Put some grease on the motor as well, did slide in smooth...

UPDATE 04/09/2016 - No Launch yet ! Stratologger had a weird beep out so I took it of the rail and took it home to examine closely, When home I took it apart and it all worked fine.

UPDATE 04/10/2016 - Launch day - Countdown was fast, Greg is really not the guy to do this, Could not even grab a decent image of the launch !!! And not even a video at all !! Dam Greg !!! Any way it went up fast en straight !! Really beautiful, I even saw a puff at Apogee and was confirmed by Tim also, BUT no deployment! Nothing not even the motor ejection worked !!! I made an autopsy video to see what could have gone wrong !!! Tagg and Stratologger all destroyed !! Rocket not repairable ! THIS IS THE END, was a great rocket and have good memories of it ! AMEN !...

UPDATE 04/18/2016 - Because it was such a great flight to Apogee I added the altitude to the total. Feel a little bad by doing this, but it was her best flight ever !!



Like 2016-04-11 10:31:48Z

I guess there are two questions to answer.

1) why didn't the motor ejection charge fire?

2) If your stratologger fired, why didn't it deploy? Was your booster too tight in the AV bay?

Like 2016-04-11 17:37:42Z

Still looking in to it..



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