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Like 2017-11-24 07:52:55Z

Not going to be that windy!

frewi80 on 2017-11-23 13:54:10Z wrote:

We will adjust when we have the very latest weather prediction, but it seems pretty accurate knowing what happened last time when I flew it to 12 K at 1.33 Mach and ended up 3 miles away with wind-speeds over 40 mph..

esotericdude on 2017-11-23 13:43:05Z wrote:

What was unusual when we looked at wind speed and what made a great test case was almost all the way up the winds were constant, @ 23mph. Now the winds are varying more with altitude so harder it is harder to predict an "average" wind speed.

esotericdude on 2017-11-23 13:36:45Z wrote:

Saturday. Yes, provided you have the CP/CG proper. The only unknown is the spin of the rocket, we're assuming not too much. If there is a high spin, it can resist the weather clock significantly.

Like 2017-11-24 11:59:37Z

Those windspeeds were made up, I was just making an example.

timcub on 2017-11-24 12:51:46Z wrote:

Curious - where did you get those wind speeds from? Seems a bit higher than forecast?

esotericdude on 2017-11-23 20:52:39Z wrote:

Is there, where did you find it??
I have just done a sample average. Make sure altitudes are a CONSTANT interval rate (in this case every 2500 feet) like follows:
0-2500 10mph
2501-5000 17mph
5001-7500 28mph
7501-10000 28mph
10001-12500 36mph
Add them all together, divide by the number of samples
(10+17+28+28+36)/5=23.8 mph (average)

timcub on 2017-11-23 20:02:41Z wrote:

Jason did you know there is an add-on for open rocket that lets you put in several levels of wind speed at whatever altitude you want?